Modern game accessories with an Old School feel!

Firesoul, the Glass Mageblade

We just found out about #Swordtember over on Twitter. What an exciting project! We decided to create magic swords for Fifth Edition. It’s the 4th now, so we need to catch up!

Firesoul, the Glass Mageblade

Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

Firesoul is said to have been created during an eclipse which doused the entire world in shadow for an entire day. A mad wizard of surpassing power predicted the event and worked tirelessly to assemble the necessary materials and magical components, make the required sacrifices, and forge the fabled blade. The foul sorceries he used to create it are still whispered of. Some say he was consumed by the magic that suffuses the blade and lurks within it, eager to return to a semblance of life by possessing an unwary wielder.

The sword is a razor-sharp longsword that tapers from a handspan at the crossguard to a needle point. The blade is made of enchanted, transparent crystal in which flickers of sparks from the forging still appear.

You have a +2 bonus to hit and damage rolls you make with this magic weapon. While you wield it, whenever you’re targeted by a spell or spell-like effect, you can use your reaction to spend one of your spell slots to gain advantage on saving throws you make to avoid that spell or spell-like effect. If you don’t have any spell slots left, you can spend one of your Hit Dice instead. In addition, as an action you can use the sword’s magic to cast the detect thoughts spell (spell save DC 15 or yours, whichever is higher). Once you use this ability you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

[sword image courtesy of PNGKit]