Modern game accessories with an Old School feel!

Dirge, Executioner of Pride’s Fall

Time for another #Swordtember post! This time we’ve got a semi-sentient scimitar for you. Hopefully it’ll come in handy!

Dirge, Executioner of Pride’s Fall

Sword (scimitar), very rare

Dirge is a scimitar forged centuries ago from the tooth of a purple worm by a sorcerer at her secret oasis lair deep within the Muhtari Desert. It is said she forged the blade with a mighty, compelling purpose: to put right a grave mistake. To her great misfortune, she died before Dirge could fulfill its destiny. Since then, the nondescript blade has traveled the multiverse, seeking to redress a mistake.

While Dirge isn’t quite sentient, it does have urges. It feels a purpose (to right wrongs) and it can sense when a person has the power and abilities to achieve that purpose. When it finds such a person, if that person doesn’t claim it, Dirge magically follows that potential wielder around. It might magically appear propped up invitingly in a dungeon hallway, or in a prospect’s sock drawer. 

You have a +1 bonus to hit and damage rolls you make with this magic weapon. In addition, while you wield it you gain the following abilities:

  • You can discern truth from lie, as though you were under a zone of truth spell
  • As an action you can use its magic to cast the invisibility spell. Once you use this ability you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest

art by Colin Foss, used under license