Modern game accessories with an Old School feel!

Spears & Spells 3rd-Party License

Did you know our best-selling fantasy RPG Spears & Spells comes with a license that gives you the freedom to make your own S&S content and sell it?

Well, it does!

The text follows. If it looks familiar, it’s because we asked the nice folks at MÖRK BORG if we could crib their license for Spears & Spells. They said yes, so we basically removed their name and put ours in. We think you’ll agree it’s a cracking license, especially in light of the ongoing OGL 1.X debacle.

Anyway, here we go:

Spears & Spells Third Party License

Kabouter Games got its start creating content for community-content programs like DMs Guild, Slarecian Vault, and others. We want to support those efforts. We want to make it possible for you to create things for Spears & Spells, and hopefully also let you make some money for your hard work. 

This license allows anyone to make stuff for Spears & Spells and either publish it for free or sell it, without us ever taking a cut. Adventures, hacks, modules, anything goes. Here are the rules, and they’re very basic:


  1. If you adhere to these terms you are allowed to publish free or commercial material based upon and/or declaring compatibility with Spears & Spells without express permission from Kabouter Games.
  2. Art and text from Kabouter Games books may not be reused or translated without our express written permission.
  3. The mechanics and game rules of Spears & Spells may be reused and referenced freely. 


  1. Your product can’t use either the Kabouter Games or Spears & Spells logo without our express written permission.
  2. You are allowed and encouraged (but not required) to use the Spears & Spells compatibility logo. See the end of this document for logo image files.
  3. You’re not allowed to give the impression that yours is an official Kabouter Games or Spears & Spells product or that we endorse or sponsor you in any way unless we’ve made special arrangements with you.


  1. Kabouter Games assumes no liability and takes no responsibility for any legal claims against products you make under this license.
  2. Any legal disputes, controversies or claims related to this license shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of The Netherlands and be settled by a Dutch court.
  3. You must include the following text, clearly visible in your publication. You must also include it on the website or storefront where you promote the product:
    • [Product name] is an independent production by [Author or Publisher] and is not affiliated with Kabouter Games. It is published under the Spears & Spells Third Party License.
  4. You must include the following copyright text, clearly visible in your publication. You must also include it on the website or storefront where you promote the product:
    • Spears & Spells is © copyright Kabouter Games. 
  5. We reserve the right to revoke this license if your use of it brings Spears & Spells or Kabouter Games into disrepute. Use our game to tell fantastic stories, and remember our kind of stories don’t include sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, or any of that crap. You are not welcome to use Spears & Spells to tell those kinds of stories.

Compatibility logo Black on transparency

Compatibility logo White on transparency