Modern game accessories with an Old School feel!

What To Do About Problem Players

I see this question on a frustratingly regular basis on internet fora frequented by TTRPG enthusiasts. It always gets a run of “advice” involving in-game consequences for the problem player’s character.

Why not just…talk about it?

You’re adults. If you’re not adults, then you’re human beings likely on the cusp of adulthood. Talk about the problem like adult human beings.

Players are not animals. They don’t need to be stealthily trained with in-game rewards and punishments to reinforce behavior.

Simply put: If someone at the table is making the game not fun, Talk. To. Them. Take them aside after the session, honestly and like a grownup present your concerns, and talk it through.

Here are some handy flow charts created by Reddit user u/The_Unreal.

Here’s the first part of the process…
…and here’s the rest of it.

Honestly, it’s that simple.

Now please stop giving and taking “advice” that is nothing more than in-game passive-aggressive nonsense and follow the charts.